Prepare your presentation materials
- Please prepare one file containing all presentation materials you aim to publish. This could be a *.pdf, *.ppt/pptx, *.pps/ppsx, *.png, or *.mp4 file. Ensure that your file format works on a broad range of operating systems. If using videos inside Power Point files, please embed the video.
- If presentation materials include published materials, please ensure one of the following options for these published materials: a) open-access content distributed under a Creative Commons License, or b) public domain works not protected by copyright, or c) permission is obtained from the publisher. In all cases, do ensure correct attribution with full citation to the original source. During presentation upload, you will be asked to certify that you secure the right to reproduce any material that has already been published or copyrighted elsewhere.
- Ensure that your presentation materials do not contain content that is unlawful, abusive, or constitute a breach of contract or of confidence or of commitment given to secrecy.
- Your presentation materials file is in principle distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). If your work cannot follow this established open-access licence, please indicate your copyright (e.g. © Authors. All rights reserved). However, your presentation materials remain online in either case and with your upload of presentation materials, you grant Copernicus Meetings the right to hold your material online for viewing and download by individuals.
- Download the CC BY logo as *.png, *.svg, or *.eps file, if following the CC BY distribution licence.
- Incorporate the CC BY logo into your presentation materials. If you aim to publish a Power Point presentation, please add the CC BY logo to your slide master so that it appears on each slide (e.g. in the lower left corner). If you aim to publish a PDF or PNG file, please ensure to place the logo somewhere in the design. If you have a stand-alone or embedded video, please include the CC BY logo in the first sequence.
- Check that the size of your presentation materials file does not exceed 50 MB. This limitation is meant to allow a smooth download for all bandwidths.
Upload the file with your presentation materials
Your presentation materials file is uploaded to the EGU2020 website. In addition, your presentation materials will automatically appear, alongside your abstract and possible comments, on EGUsphere, EGU's interactive community platform. The following steps must be executed:
- Have your Copernicus Office user ID ready. If you lost your password, please create a new one.
- Access the EGU2020 presentation upload web form.
- You will see all abstracts scheduled for EGU2020 belonging to your user ID as contact author. Use the Upload button to start the process.
- Sign the author's certification that (a) you are authorized by your co-authors to enter into the licence & copyright agreement, (b) your work does not contain content that is unlawful, abusive, or constitute a breach of contract or of confidence or of commitment given to secrecy, and (c) you secure the right to reproduce any material that has already been published or copyrighted elsewhere.
- Decide on the distribution licence of your presentation materials. The copyright anyway remains with the authors. Regarding the distribution licence, EGU clearly prefers the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). However, if your work cannot follow this established open-access licence, please select that all rights are reserved.
- Use the Browse button to select the file on your data drive that represents your presentation materials file.
- Please decide whether your presentation should be open to a public discussion. You will be informed once individuals comment on your presentation materials (shown as community comments CC) and you have the opportunity to reply on behalf of all co-authors (shown as author comments AC). The commenting option is open from 1 April 2020 to 31 May 2020.
- Use either the button Upload & allow discussion or the button Upload without discussion.
- Your presentation materials file is now uploaded. If you aim to further revise your presentation materials, you can revisit the presentation upload web form and create further versions. All versions remain online to show the evolution of your files, possibly based on comments you received from colleagues.
- In the EGU2020 online programme, your abstract will now show an icon that signals that a presentation is available. When entering your abstract's HTML page, all versions of your presentation materials files are listed and, if you allowed a discussion on your presentation, all comments are listed with the commentators' names disclosed.